Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gotta Tri

After the weather changed its mind and it got nice enough, we went down to Alta track, (because it had gotten dark it was safer riding on the track than the road) and I rode around just 1/4 of the amount I'll be doing in the race, I thought I was going to die! I was so winded and my legs were burning. I hope that it gets easier, otherwise I'm in trouble - come June 5th - Team "Lost in Transition" will be hurting because of me (I'll try my hardest Carrie and Consuelo). I did decide however, that I love to ride my bike. It is one activity/exercise that makes me feel like a kid again. I used to ride a lot, so it brings back fond memories of being young and carefree. I love that about it! I could probably get into this riding thing, and hey, Bill has enough racing bikes around that I could get hooked up if I decided to get serious. But until then, I'll ride my hybrid with the semi-comfy seat and hope that I live to tell about it and not embarrass myself in front of our entire Stake.


  1. You're gonna rock it, Sherry! You just need a little time for your body to get used to it, but you'll tell it who's boss! Two trails I always loved when biking was Porter Rockwell (starting over by Draper park) and Jordan River parkway. Did you come up with our name? I love it!

  2. Hey ride that bike and head north!!! Is this working?

  3. I know why you were soooo winded and your legs were burning.You are just not used to riding alone. You forgot that we both loved to ride our "bike". We had to share for a while there - remember? Me on one side of the bike with both feet on one peddle and you on the other side with both feet on the other peddle. Up and down the street we would go. I think that must be why we have always toyed with the idea of "running away to join the circus." You will do great! If you think it would help tho - I would be willing to come and we could "ride duo."

  4. I would be thrilled to have you come and ride half the bike, we might not win but we'd get the prize for originality! Off to join the circus :)

  5. You and Bonnie are so funny! I love to hear all of your guys' stories!
