Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall is in the air!

As you all know, we had Cassie when we were, well, you know, up there. Since we're not as young as we used to be...
We decided as she got a little older we would try to get her interested in swimming, volleyball, basketball etc. You know, those sports where the spectators get to stay warm, dry and comfortable...well, she decided those are fun but she wanted to try her hand (or foot and head) at soccer. We knew it would be fun for a little while this fall but things would change as the weather got cooler. Sure enough! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (She's the one in all black - wouldn't take her coat off)


  1. Great pictures! I can't believe how col it is already! It was 50 here today, and I almost froze! 50 here is like 10 in Utah. And it hasn't even started yet. :( Let's all move to Florida. :)

  2. Looks fun!! Cold but fun. And the two of you look soooo cute - all bundled up.
